Top Reasons to Work with a Google Partner

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To get your website up and running you may want to consider the use of PPC’s or Pay-per-click (PPC). This is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites. We at GroFire highly recommend using paid search to generate immediate and consistent traffic to your website, to market to users looking for your specific products and services, and to improve search results with first-page exposure. When looking at various companies to help you with PPC’s you will want to choose one that is an official Google Partner. We at GroFire are proud of our partnership with Google and want to share the benefits you will receive in return for working with us.


We are Qualified

In order to be a Google Partner the employees in our agency that will be handling PPC’s for your company has to pass at least two exams from Google. One exam tests the knowledge of the fundamentals of PPC’s and the use of Google AdWords. The second exam can vary but can be of the following: ‘Search Advertising’, ‘Display Advertising’, ‘Shopping Advertising’ or ‘Mobile Advertising’.


Best Practice Requirements

Being a Google Partner means that you will be getting the best service possible from our business. Google gives GroFire an account score and advice on how we should improve our campaign structure and performance in order to maximize our client’s success on the platform. If we fail to meet these best practice requirements over a period of time, our Partner status will be at risk.


Extensive Knowledge

Being a qualified Google Partner gives our company access to a variety of trainings and insider knowledge when it comes to PPC’s and Google AdWords. This access allows us to know about new features and give you something other than just a basic search campaign. Things like remarketing, structured snippet extensions, call out extensions and remarketing lists for search ads are just a few tactics we can use to help your website succeed. Being a Google Partner allows us to stay up to date on the most recent trainings and programs they roll out so we are always ahead of the pack when it comes to marketing.


GroFire wants to provide you and your business with the best service possible. One of the many ways we do this is by maintaining our status as a Google Partner. The benefits of our partnership are purely there for your successes. Call us today to learn more about Paid Search Campaigns and other marketing sources we can provide for your company.

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